Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Looking beyond the horizon

We had a dear man from church who died this past week. He and his family had trusted God to provide healing - which He did, by taking him to heaven. While the healing is absolute and permanent, it was not the healing we had (selfishly) been praying for all along.
Healing. hm. For whose benefit do we pray? once they die, do we continue to wish them back? Is that questioning GOd's decision or just being human and missing them? some of both, i guess. There are just times when God's decisions don't seem right, good or the BEST. Then again, we do live such 'right this minute' types of lives...we don't know what good God has in mind over the long range. Obviously, for our friend, the HOMECOMING in heaven was far better than even his own beloved family could have provided, had he been healed physically on earth. All needs met. All pain removed. Sickness forever banished. His heart is now full, complete and he is happier than he's ever been.
So why do we find it so hard to be happy for him?
we aren't there yet.....
we can't imagine it....
we only know what has been lost....and we grieve it all, quite rightly.
But one day - between pouring coffee and putting cream in, we will find out. One day between turning the water on and putting the toothpaste on our toothbrush, we will understand. In a flicker of time, it will all be changed...and so will we.
One day we too will see what eternity looks like. And depending on our belief in Christ's salvation on our behalf, we will understand pain and separation forever, or we will understand being completely happy and finally home.
A few Bible verses read during the funeral today made an impression on me. The first one was Revelation 14:13
"Then i heard a voice from heaven say, ...Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord..."
At first that sounded weird to my ears...But John who wrote Revelation didn't really write a lot of 'normal-sounding' stuff!! A lot of imagery- no wonder! all he saw must have been difficult to use normal language for!!!
I digress...
"Blessed" it said...happy. "For to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Phil 1:21)So while we enjoy the presence of Christ in the here and now - we will be transported by death ( a mere doorway) into the magnificence of heaven! That's good reason to happy, if you ask me.
"the best is yet to come"....that line gives me chills. I like to imagine what is better that being with loved ones, seeing sensational sunsets, hearing the laughter of babies, receiving and giving love....using my imagination to make me 'homesick' for heaven. To give it some shape, substance, even if it's imaginary for now - and likely pretty lame, compared to the real thing. but it's a start to imagine it and make my heart yearn for it somehow.
The other verse was in Psalm 23:6 - the last verse. It hit me in a new way today - maybe i've not paid attention before, but in the context of a funeral, it was new.
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
The first half is familiar enough - during this life, i will enjoy God's goodness and mercy - his positive help and favour toward me. But this was a funeral...so i wondered on what it said about 'after' this life... and then saw the second half of it.."and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever". OH!!!
So this life, as one of God's saved and undeserving children, is one of favour, hope and joy, and then onto the best thereafter!!!
"house of the Lord"...ok, let's call it God's house. Apparently it's an awesome place - it will have all the love, goodness, peace and kindness that we keep envisioning for our own homes (especially during Christmas, we hope for this more than ever!) Does some of our disillusionment about our families come during Christmas/Easter because we have put our hopes in the wrong place? Can we have all of these in this broken world? GOod hope, wrong timing/location.
So what if we took that good desire for these things and put them somewhere it is guaranteed to work out!? Would we accept our family disappointments without despairing? "the best is yet to come - i can wait because it's certain.."
So our friend who died last week is now 'graduated' from this broken world, filled with loved ones, mind you, onto the place where his fondest wishes, dearest hopes are all fulfilled. Where every limitation is removed; every tear is wiped dry once and for all; where love is experienced in its proper fullness; where we see Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit clearly and no longer 'through a glass darkly'!!!
Yes, our friend is gone ahead. We cannot hold him here.
Would we want him to leave all that? just to ease our pain? or can the love we have for him delight in his receiving all God in Christ has promised. His reward. His home at last.
So this Christmas, as we welcome the Christ-child into our hearts, always keeping an eye on the horizon and on the clouds, from which He'll descend, let's remember that our hope is secure. Our future is certain.
And departed loved ones await our arrival....as they celebrate, laugh, rejoice and enjoy their eternity with God.
Merry Christmas, friends.
Stand firm. Your hope is secure.
"Your salvation is nearer now than when you first believed" Rom 13:11b

Monday, November 15, 2010

a season for all things

This time of year always makes me a little philosophical, it seems. I celebrate the fullness of fall- plants reaching their maximum growth, beauty and flowering- only to watch it all fall to the ground- a mooshy mess in our wet weather. it seems a little defeating to a dedicated gardener's heart!
And yet, God established this seasonal order of things. It doesn't seem to be an outcome of the fall or our fallen world. Nothing can be productive all the time - i speak of myself also!
As i drove in the twilight the other evening, i noticed a group of trees along the highway - some were conifers and others deciduous. I was struck by the way the leafless deciduous trees appeared to be phantoms, or made of smoke- somehow lacking the actual substance of a conifer. weird! it was a contrast between lushness and emptiness- between health and languishing- between growth and rest.
And despite our productivity-obsessed culture, that is a good thing. God appointed his creation to a season of rest - as certain and regular as the season of growth and beauty.
Deep inside these resting plants and trees, nourishment is being gathered and protected for spring. It is preparing for the harshness of winter- yet storing life deep inside. (do they sigh with relief at this season of rest?)
what's wrong with me?
WHy do i see 'appointed' seasons of rest as a bad thing? without fail i see it that way?
People enduring an illness - there is a certain rest-rhythmn to that too. We are sidelined and must trust that life will carry on while we await God's healing to us. (yet whom of us does not relish the excuse to read a good book without guilt, or play games or some other 'non-productive' pastime we secretly love!)
Eccesiastes 3 is a wonder-filled chapter to read. Solomon (or whomever) speaks about God's created order in the world and life. "Times" come and go - some with an internal rhythmn and some with a more haphazard occurence.
"Nothing lasts forever- either good nor bad." has been a regular phrase out of my mouth in recent months. Perhaps with a bit of age behind me, I see that trusting God and waiting things out usually works. Patience perhaps?
So this winter, instead of dreading the 'enforced' rest of colds or flu, secretly begin to thank God for the break - for the freedom to step off the world's 'insanity train' and just listen to your own breath, listen to the sound of clean water in your kitchen sink and give thanks for it. Dig out that good book you've been waiting to read, and rest in God's order of things - you will be well soon enough. Savour the break, despite congestion, nausea and whatever comes with it.
Without rest, God's creation cannot produce fruit worth eating, savouring and enjoying - whether by animals, birds or by us.
Perhaps our lives are that way too......
Savour life!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Calmly foretold

So i flipped open my Bible today...i know...some reading plan, eh? LOL But i did and i read Luke 21. For some reason, this chapter didn't seem familiar from previous readings of Luke. So i really paid attention!
It is Jesus talking about the 'end of the age' to his disciples. He tells them that there will be frauds who will try to confuse people with their claims. He said they shouldn't listen to them. Then he goes on to describe how the end times will go - rather simply, which i appreciate.
First he says that Christians will be persecuted, will be betrayed by loved ones and friends- every which way, it will come. But he encouraged them that they should not stress out, that they will be given words to say at the time- words that will testify about him. He wanted them to remember to stand firm no matter what.
He then goes on to say that wars and revolutions will happen, earthquakes, famines and pestilences, fearful events and great signs from heaven. He said that their beloved Jerusalem, which they'd just been bragging on, was going to be surrounded by armies - and that the people should book it for the mountains- flee! and those in the country should stay away from the city too. Jerusalem would be trampled on!
Then it gets even wilder! Sun, moon and stars will show signs of things changing too. Nations will be terrified by the 'roaring and tossing of the sea'. People will despair who don't know this in advance.
But "at that time, they will see the Son of Man (Christ) coming in a cloud with power and great glory" and then, get this, "when these things begin to take place, STAND UP and LIFT UP your heads, because your redemption is drawing near" (vv27,28)
So even with the tumultuous happenings around the world, we need to keep our eyes open and our minds focused on the fact this is the "preamble" to Christ's return. We need to continue to care for poor, eldery, befriend the lonely, relieve suffering and care for widows and orphans, as ever. Certainly, we will be praying for those around us, that they will see and understand and turn to Christ!!
Another thing that amazes me, is that Christ can give us ALL these warnings and yet not provoke fear in us! The next section (vv29-36) he goes on to talk in a parable about fig trees and how when they sprout leaves, we know summer is coming. That the new leaves tell us something more about what is coming. And so with these warning signs in nature and the wars on earth, we can interpret them as "telling us something more about what is coming".
But we need to keep watch. Verse 34 says,
"Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap."
So keep watch, dear ones! Watch what is going on in the world. By all means, pray!
and do not become so harried by life, urgencies and the 'hurry sickness' that you miss the 'signs of the times'.
May our God grant each of us the eyes to see and the wisdom to understand all he is about in the world so that when the time comes, He might enable us to stand firm and see his glory arriving to make things right on earth, as it is in heaven!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

messy...and yet glorious

I've been reflecting - moment by moment- lately on how little worry does to help me. With the start of school last month and all the programs, classes and things we are all involved in - worry comes along like an unwelcomed houseguest and settles between my ears. And the funny thing is that the more i attempt to chase it out, the more deeply rooted it becomes. It ends up getting my attention, one way or the other! ack!
And i read how God calls me to trust him. To live lightly - to carry His yoke- which is easy and his burden, which is light.
How do i make such a mess of things by complicating what is inherently simple???
The world is run by God- ok, yeah, i can grasp that...
I do nothing to earn the sunshine, rain, oxygen or love i receive so freely. check.
If God feeds the little, cute, witless birds, then certainly he will feed me too. got it.
but what happens? Do i forget that he is always watching with a tender loving gaze?
Do i think that if i meddle in things first that it will turn out better?
why am i so funny about all this?
Hence, my new tatto - Trust~ Receive~ Adore on my right forearm. A visible reminder that i bring nothing to this relationship with God. I am asked to trust him completely.
Receive- what good thing do i have that i 'earned'? Love? Air? hope? no, not really anything. I just sit at the Lord's feet and receive it all. wow.
Adore - now here is something i CAN do...be in awe of my Father who provides, forgives, loves and never tires of any of it!!!
Sure, life can be very messy. After all, we live in a broken world - things are not as they 'should be'. We sense that in our very marrow...and one day it will be that way.
"All will be well and all manner of things will be well." (some famous guy said that---good stuff!)
and so it will be.
And for now.. ......we trust him.
and amen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What's my problem, anyways?

Exodus 20:11
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Exodus 31:15
For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death.
Rest. Sabbath. You’d think this would be celebrated high and low in our hurried culture of overwork. But even we as believers shake our heads in disbelief when we hear it. Who has time to take a Sabbath? In a word? We all do. We all need to. We are COMMANDED to, for heaven’s sake!
I heard a song today by a Christian artist, Lance Odegard, in which he asked God to help him to be content being the ‘moon’ since God is the ‘sun’. God is the centre, and we reflect his glory. Ok, that makes sense except that we want to pretend we are the SUN! We believe God is the boss, but we often live as though we are. Our little kingdoms we try to control.
I believe that is the core of why we find Sabbath taking so difficult. It is a day we are reminded to put aside our need to be in control, to work and provide in order to remind ourselves that it is God who runs the world, it is God who provides for our needs through our ability to work and our having a job at all. It is God who makes life work.
That’s hard to believe when stated that way.
Will my laundry get done if I take a Sabbath? Will there be groceries? Let’s listen to this verse that deals with this exact line of thought…
Exodus 16:22-24 (New International Version)
On the sixth day, they gathered twice as much—two omers [a] for each person—and the leaders of the community came and reported this to Moses. 23 He said to them, "This is what the LORD commanded: 'Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.' "
24 So they saved it until morning, as Moses commanded, and it did not stink or get maggots in it.
(which usually happened if they tried to stockpile the manna – another example of how God helped them to obey his command!)
Planning ahead. Being intentional to ensure all the jobs get done other times so I can take a day off – a day to play, to dance or to sit and play boardgames. Who would like a day off cooking? Cleaning?
Am I willing to move things around so I’m “ALLOWED” to do this? Well, I’m certainly allowed…no reason to feel guilty since it was God’s idea…but will I?
We have to wrestle with why I choose the bondage to work (as the people in exile had no choice but to work 7 days a week!) instead of embracing the freedom from slavery that God gives me.
Just a thought….

Monday, September 6, 2010


ok, this subject is not something i can claim much knowledge about. It's like reading a book about travelling in Europe and not having been there. yes, that's about right. But just because i haven't experienced a lot of it, doesn't mean i don't crave it. It's like wanting patience, but not being sure you want to go through the things that produce it in our lives...
Contentment was described to me once as being a traveller bound for Holland, with visions of all that Holland has. Packing for Holland and being excited for the vacation there. But once off the plane, to discover one is in France instead. Oh, i'm sure France has it's lovely things, but one's heart was set on Holland. Contentment is choosing to be pleased with being in France, despite 'wanting' Holland.
So what does that have to do with me? any of us?
We all had some idea where we were headed in life - perhaps in a 5 year plan. But where i find myself today is not what i'd imagined. In many ways, it is perhaps better than the original plan. But sometimes it is not. Yes, we got used to it, but it can leave us with the gnawing sense that things didn't turn out right. what to do? The easy path is to be cranky - whether visibly or not. Discontent. Restless. Unhappy. But is this leading me any closer to the contentment i had imagined in Holland? Can contentment be found in France? Can i decide to love where i am simply because it is where i am?? Where i've been placed...
We face a few decisions in these moments. Sometimes, we choose to decorate our world with Holland reminders- things that keep the dream alive, if you please. What does that look like? When a serious injury sidelines my hockey/baseball/(insert your situation here), and the dream is out of touch, do i still think and dream about it all the time? Or can i turn lemons into lemonade and coach someone, turn my change-of-plans into good?
Other times, we pretend that it doesn't matter, that we are 'fine' and we bury the hurt - perhaps it squeaks out in angry words to our families? (ouch) While we think we have 'dealt with it', are we lying to ourselves and hurting those we love most?

I don't know about you, but its probably a good thing to stop and reflect once in a while - where is the direction of my life taking me? is it somewhere i want to go? What path am i on? what kinds of thoughts occupy my mind as i commute, relax or rest?
St. Augustine said,"Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he so lives as to make happiness impossible."
Are the choices i am making taking me to more and more joy, gratitude and peace, or am i chasing a dream that no longer has meaning for me?
I'm trying to concentrate on living in the moment, right here and now. Trying to stop worrying about tomorrow and learning to see the gifts of God, however small they might appear, in the moment they are given.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it well..."We do not complain of what God does not give us; we rather thank God for what he does give us daily. And is not what has been given enough?"
So i'm starting to be thankful for air in my lungs (clean Canadian air, thanks so much!), the mind to think thoughts, the heart to love those around me, food for nourishment, clothes to wear and so on. Important things if you don't have them!
baby steps....and with the help of God and his Spirit, i will try to live in the 'now' and leave the future in his hands...
now that oughta give me peace already!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Hey! hope you are having a wonderful summer - soaking up these last days before the crispness returns to the air and the autumn visual symphony begins.
While at the produce barn the other day, i was struck by the incredible freshness of our vegetables and fruits these days. and then it hit...the canning bug. Yes, i reasoned that we are but two living here...but it wouldn't heed me. So 13 jars of pickled cabbage and 13 jars of pickles later...hehe...we are now eyeing beets, carrots and pickles..mmmm. And while the canning food tastes SO good in winter, i must admit that even the aesthetics of rows of canned food on my shelves gives me joy!
I honestly thought this era of canning had passed...but with changing food needs, it woke up! Which is exciting! What other former joys might surprise me and return?!
So even in the midst of big changes, upheaval of kids moving out and such - new surprises await us! old joys made new again! New adventures await and i am pretty keen to charge out there and find them.
Keep your eyes peeled- you never know how joy will come and surprise you!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Jubilation or Jubilate Deo, if you prefer....

It has struck me lately as i've been reading psalms, that David (and Asaph and dudes) poured out his heart to God - all the muck, but also the boundless praise. Even between verses of his asking God to destroy his enemies- are interspersed with verses of confidence that God has good in mind for him, that God would indeed act on his behalf. pretty wild! (see Psalm 57:4-5)
But the part that has really impressed me was the creative expressions of praise that David gave to the created world.
For example: Psalm 96:11-13 "Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy; they will sing before the Lord for he comes, he comes to judge the earth."
Now hang on before you glaze over here....try to picture this! The sound of rejoicing filtering down to you as you sit out in your yard today, as you walk down the street...how about, the sound of cheering and celebration coming from the ocean or a lake. Imagine that! The sound building to a crescendo......
And on that walk through the park, it is faint at first and you look for birds, but the distinct sound of singing begins to register to you...until you realize it is the trees!!
The created world knows its Maker! (trees have measurable intelligence, i once heard) How much more can we know Him - He who loves us and sent his Son on the ultimate rescue mission, out of heartsick, lovesick affection for us...
Be jubilant, my friends. We have much to celebrate!!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Just got back from six wonderful days with our grown daughter in Ontario. I have to confess that i went with energetic notions of being wonderwoman to help her. Only to find that she has managed quite nicely on her own. Awesome! but also humbling. But isn't independence what we hope for? yeah..sort of...til it happens. Then we realize that our 'helping' portion of parenting only goes so far. (i know this sounds like awesome news to you parents with younger kids...) But somehow when it happens, you are taken aback. Instead you find something richer, new, more wonderful than you could have hoped for.
who knew?!! Just when one door closes, another opens. Oh, it's not easy to stop trying to 'fix' things - i blew it a few times - just ask Kaitlyn!! I did things i should have left to her....i moved things that weren't mine to touch. Yet, somehow in my eagerness to 'help', i mindlessly crossed the line.
So i am learning. slowly. very slowly, in fact.
i mess up more than i succeed. Then again, we are both learning. And with each child of mine, i will learn new things. I will learn to respect that they are under 'construction' in God's hands....kind of like their mother is!!
and it is very good...it is as it should be..
Philippians 1:6 - "being confident of this, that he who begana good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
That verse spoke to my heart when we sent Kaitlyn off to university about 5 years ago now. That from the start, God had undertaken to look after her development- using us for a season - would continue to refine her, polish her and change her until Christ's return. It gave me such peace!! we were simply handing her back to Him who let us dabble at being parents to begin with!!
HE would finish.
He would fix.
He would make sure it was done properly.
What a relief!
Oh we all do our best, but there are days we'd like to find some cosmic "undo" button for, aren't there? Days we cringe at our actions, words,etc. Knowing we have caused hurt, have done wrong and have generally blown it. But He takes all of that and turns it to rights by His grace and mercy.
Now if that isn't good to know, then i don't know what is!!
Ask him for wisdom as you parent- no matter how old your 'kids' are. Ask him to show you how to be a parent that loves Him first and foremost..."and all these things shall be added to you"
be at peace, my friend.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Defending Christianity - or not....

Psalm 2

1 "Why do the nations conspire
and the peoples plot in vain?

2 The kings of the earth take their stand
and the rulers gather together
against the LORD
and against his Anointed One.

3 "Let us break their chains," they say,
"and throw off their fetters."

4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them."

When i first read this, i was surprised. So often i hear people getting all 'lathered up' about "Defending Christianity!" and letting comments by nation leaders, government officials, the U.N., etc. make them feel as though Christianity has been compromised in some fashion. Did you read God's reaction to all this 'blustering' in verse 4.
Laughter. Scoffing. in verse 5 he goes to to 'let them know' HE and HE alone sets up rulers, and kings - not anyone else.
So we can rest easy that God's kingdom never was and never will be a political type of kingdom that has to shove it's way around to stay on top. God laughs at anything like that. HE IS .....and always will be. No one has any claim on him nor nudges him from his absolute supremacy in the universe. Comforting isn't it?
He is here to seek and save the lost. His Beloved. His children who have wandered far from him. Nothing else.
Yes, we need to pray for those misguided leaders - certainly! They are very dear to our Papa's heart! But fear them? naw...
May our God fill your heart with absolute confidence in His sovereign rule and his impeccable sense of timing in history.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What? Me take a break? are you kidding?

I know i am as much to blame as anyone for the hectic lifestyle i've chosen- whether by being oblivious or just fearing too much quiet, but i read something recently that really rocked me.
I was reading "Christ plays in 10,000 places" by Eugene Peterson (and i thought I was busy!:P) About midway through the book, i read a section on taking a Sabbath. Ok, so i like the idea of taking a break, resting up so i can work better thereafter, but who has the time?
that's when he hit me between the eyes....
Eugene was talking about how even God took a Sabbath during his big creation week. And how God is always working, even now, in creation - oh maybe balancing stars, keeping the sun in the right spot and far deeper things, i'm sure. But perhaps our ceasing work for a day each week (no it doesn't matter which day) we respect that God runs the world and not I. I entrust my life and work and loved ones to his keeping while i keep his planned rhythm for my life. A day to step back from my busyness and appreciate his larger-scaled work in the universe. Get perspective again - yeah my role is smaller but it is a piece of his greater work- not something with no value. But as i thought about it, i realized it takes the pressure of MY having to keep things balanced. Of course, Eugene said it better, so i'll let him say it here:
"Sabbath is a deliberate act of interference, an interruption of our work each week, a decree of no-work so tha we are able to notice, to attend, to listen and to assimilate this comprehensive and majestic work of God, to orient our work in the work of God."
Oh, it isn't easy. I tried taking a Sabbath yesterday and had to stop myself several times when something "important that couldn't wait" came up. But the longer i hung in there, the more i noticed myself relaxing and enjoying the freedom. "Not today!" i said aloud more than a few times.
I'm not sure what your experience of Sabbath is like. When i think of it in reverse, i have to laugh. "I resist taking a break though my Boss insists that i do because I prefer to work 7 days a week."
I wonder how my stress level will change during this trial period? Will i crave vacations and escapes less intensely? Will i be able to keep perspective better during extra stressful times?
As for me....i'm taking the day off. My Boss is kinder to me than i am to myself. Maybe it's time to fix that.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

remarkable tapestry

Colossians 2:2 (Message) -"I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God's great mystery."

Wouldn't we all like to have minds confident and at rest? i know i would! Paul seems to be telling something similar here to another verse of his in Philippians 4:6-7-

"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."

With Christ replacing all other thoughts that barge and shove to be at the forefront, my mind is renewed and i have new hope, fresh courage and a renewed sense of my place in God's kingdom. When the Spirit helps us to focus our thoughts on God, in prayer, something wonderful happens - we are not thinking about ourselves as the central person in our lives! We have real, actual help - at a huge, cosmic, supernatural level!!!

But like Peter walking toward Jesus on the water, i can hear the wind, see the waves and lose focus on him. But his Spirit faithfully nudges my mind back to His promises, his assurances and the truth of my status as his beloved child.

Help us to keep our eyes on you, Lord, eager to see your kingdom come- in the now and the not-yet.

a little poem- (ok, i don't rhyme, so brace yourself!)

Weave me into your tapestry of love.
Use the supposedly broken threads and
loose bits of my life to
reflect your glory.
Grant me the forgetfulness of self
and wash over me, by Your Spirit, with renewed
devotion to you.
So your life can be lived in mine;
so my fingers, voice and work
can quietly proclaim you,
Who quiets our minds and restores confidence
in faith,
the One who loves, redeems and
makes all things new.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Little crumbs

I have a wise friend who knows just the right thing to say - to encourage my faith and to nudge me forward with confidence. Remarkable how God uses her in my life and in the lives of so many. And in the midst of it all, she marvels at God's goodness in touching our lives...such humility!
Well, we were talking today and i was frustrated with my increased limitations lately and how it made things seem more challenging than usual. I have so much desire to serve God and felt hindered by his choice to keep me 'sidelined' right now. Then she said some remarkable things. get this! God asks us to use the energy and gifts HE first gives us...maybe not the ones that we prefer, but he does not stop using us just because we are having a rough time. So if he gives me less energy, then i can only give back to him what i have! Then she pointed out that he is using other gifts in me right now - ones that i don't usually use as much. HUH! i hadn't thought of that, but i understood that it was true.
Don't the most profound things often sound real obvious?
(except to ourselves!haha)
Just like when Jesus went to feed the 5000 - he turned to the disciples and wanted them to feed the people. They were dumbfounded at the cost, the difficulty of locating food way out where they were...and stood there. Then Jesus said, "give me what you have."
So if you are giving what you have, living your passion for him fully and obediently, then there really isn't such a thing as not being usable!! how cool!
So when things don't go as planned, and we ALL have that...remember, give him what you have.
And in God's baffling economy, that will be enough.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just some meandering thoughts of one who follows after God- chasing his footprints in the sand....

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering (brokenness) can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, Helen Keller
American blind and deaf educator
Isn't that something? When i consider the life she lived....blind, deaf ..it had to be tricky and it could have made Helen isolated. But she had a zest for life and a terrific mentor/teacher in Anne Sullivan -who nudged, prodded and kept reaching into Helen's world to release her from its limitations. remarkable! Whose Anne Sullivan are you? Whose Helen are you? We need each other - we were made this way. Oh we like to think we are 'all that' - independent, free spirited...but that's not really how we were created. we were created for community- a meaningful togetherness.
And as for brokenness, well, no one enjoys it. It's painful! It trashes our "i'm alright" image. It pokes holes in our pretending and pretenses. But maybe, just maybe, it makes us HUMAN as well. In someone truly broken, we see reflections of our brokenness and they cease to be our competition, but our journey mate...making our way heavenward together. And that seems to put a different spin on things altogether.
Love ya!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

not another blog!!!

Hello my friends!!
So yes, i decided that Facebook was not quite enough room for my 'writing' lifestyle and thus, here we are.
I'm excited to share poems- some that i've written, others not- as well as funny tidbits from my life and the swirl of life around me. There's always something happening that makes me think, "hm, i should write this down somewhere." Yes, i keep a quotebook- like certain offspring of mine also do. It seems, at times, that the oddest things are caught- whether by modeling them or by pure, shameless genetics!
It is the days before the Easter weekend and I'm looking forward to the renewal this season always causes in me. Maybe i just stop the rush of life long enough to reflect on where I am in life - midway, yikes- and start to think about what is worthwhile to use my time for- and alas, also what is not. At this point, it is not an issue of 'bad' things that i need to let go of, but rather of many good options--of which only a very few are BEST for me to focus on. But we each make those choices daily - so this is common to all of us.
Having enjoyed some 40 plus Easters, I am always amazed how they can seem new each year. But with God everything "is being made new" and in his infinite renewal of life, i am caught up in it.
Now to plan the table for our Easter dinner - i chose bright yellow with some soft green accents- to me those are the colours of renewal, of spring, of fresh beginnings. And with the salvation won on the cross, we live as people of that renewal- of the ongoing redemption that God is working in this world- one wee heart at at time.
i rather like that.
Happy Easter, everyone!