Hey! hope you are having a wonderful summer - soaking up these last days before the crispness returns to the air and the autumn visual symphony begins.
While at the produce barn the other day, i was struck by the incredible freshness of our vegetables and fruits these days. and then it hit...the canning bug. Yes, i reasoned that we are but two living here...but it wouldn't heed me. So 13 jars of pickled cabbage and 13 jars of pickles later...hehe...we are now eyeing beets, carrots and pickles..mmmm. And while the canning food tastes SO good in winter, i must admit that even the aesthetics of rows of canned food on my shelves gives me joy!
I honestly thought this era of canning had passed...but with changing food needs, it woke up! Which is exciting! What other former joys might surprise me and return?!
So even in the midst of big changes, upheaval of kids moving out and such - new surprises await us! old joys made new again! New adventures await and i am pretty keen to charge out there and find them.
Keep your eyes peeled- you never know how joy will come and surprise you!