Monday, November 15, 2010

a season for all things

This time of year always makes me a little philosophical, it seems. I celebrate the fullness of fall- plants reaching their maximum growth, beauty and flowering- only to watch it all fall to the ground- a mooshy mess in our wet weather. it seems a little defeating to a dedicated gardener's heart!
And yet, God established this seasonal order of things. It doesn't seem to be an outcome of the fall or our fallen world. Nothing can be productive all the time - i speak of myself also!
As i drove in the twilight the other evening, i noticed a group of trees along the highway - some were conifers and others deciduous. I was struck by the way the leafless deciduous trees appeared to be phantoms, or made of smoke- somehow lacking the actual substance of a conifer. weird! it was a contrast between lushness and emptiness- between health and languishing- between growth and rest.
And despite our productivity-obsessed culture, that is a good thing. God appointed his creation to a season of rest - as certain and regular as the season of growth and beauty.
Deep inside these resting plants and trees, nourishment is being gathered and protected for spring. It is preparing for the harshness of winter- yet storing life deep inside. (do they sigh with relief at this season of rest?)
what's wrong with me?
WHy do i see 'appointed' seasons of rest as a bad thing? without fail i see it that way?
People enduring an illness - there is a certain rest-rhythmn to that too. We are sidelined and must trust that life will carry on while we await God's healing to us. (yet whom of us does not relish the excuse to read a good book without guilt, or play games or some other 'non-productive' pastime we secretly love!)
Eccesiastes 3 is a wonder-filled chapter to read. Solomon (or whomever) speaks about God's created order in the world and life. "Times" come and go - some with an internal rhythmn and some with a more haphazard occurence.
"Nothing lasts forever- either good nor bad." has been a regular phrase out of my mouth in recent months. Perhaps with a bit of age behind me, I see that trusting God and waiting things out usually works. Patience perhaps?
So this winter, instead of dreading the 'enforced' rest of colds or flu, secretly begin to thank God for the break - for the freedom to step off the world's 'insanity train' and just listen to your own breath, listen to the sound of clean water in your kitchen sink and give thanks for it. Dig out that good book you've been waiting to read, and rest in God's order of things - you will be well soon enough. Savour the break, despite congestion, nausea and whatever comes with it.
Without rest, God's creation cannot produce fruit worth eating, savouring and enjoying - whether by animals, birds or by us.
Perhaps our lives are that way too......
Savour life!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Calmly foretold

So i flipped open my Bible today...i know...some reading plan, eh? LOL But i did and i read Luke 21. For some reason, this chapter didn't seem familiar from previous readings of Luke. So i really paid attention!
It is Jesus talking about the 'end of the age' to his disciples. He tells them that there will be frauds who will try to confuse people with their claims. He said they shouldn't listen to them. Then he goes on to describe how the end times will go - rather simply, which i appreciate.
First he says that Christians will be persecuted, will be betrayed by loved ones and friends- every which way, it will come. But he encouraged them that they should not stress out, that they will be given words to say at the time- words that will testify about him. He wanted them to remember to stand firm no matter what.
He then goes on to say that wars and revolutions will happen, earthquakes, famines and pestilences, fearful events and great signs from heaven. He said that their beloved Jerusalem, which they'd just been bragging on, was going to be surrounded by armies - and that the people should book it for the mountains- flee! and those in the country should stay away from the city too. Jerusalem would be trampled on!
Then it gets even wilder! Sun, moon and stars will show signs of things changing too. Nations will be terrified by the 'roaring and tossing of the sea'. People will despair who don't know this in advance.
But "at that time, they will see the Son of Man (Christ) coming in a cloud with power and great glory" and then, get this, "when these things begin to take place, STAND UP and LIFT UP your heads, because your redemption is drawing near" (vv27,28)
So even with the tumultuous happenings around the world, we need to keep our eyes open and our minds focused on the fact this is the "preamble" to Christ's return. We need to continue to care for poor, eldery, befriend the lonely, relieve suffering and care for widows and orphans, as ever. Certainly, we will be praying for those around us, that they will see and understand and turn to Christ!!
Another thing that amazes me, is that Christ can give us ALL these warnings and yet not provoke fear in us! The next section (vv29-36) he goes on to talk in a parable about fig trees and how when they sprout leaves, we know summer is coming. That the new leaves tell us something more about what is coming. And so with these warning signs in nature and the wars on earth, we can interpret them as "telling us something more about what is coming".
But we need to keep watch. Verse 34 says,
"Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap."
So keep watch, dear ones! Watch what is going on in the world. By all means, pray!
and do not become so harried by life, urgencies and the 'hurry sickness' that you miss the 'signs of the times'.
May our God grant each of us the eyes to see and the wisdom to understand all he is about in the world so that when the time comes, He might enable us to stand firm and see his glory arriving to make things right on earth, as it is in heaven!