Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I'm not sure whether its a sunny day where you are...but on the next sunny day, take 10 minutes to walk outside and get under a tree. Look up at the sun through the leaves....and let the beauty soak in.
(Sure you could do this while driving, but not especialy safe, or easy to sit and ponder either!! don't do it!)
yes, we are busy. yes, the hectic is always screaming for our attention, but think of this as personal enrichment- a moment aside to listen to the created world echo the angel's strains of praise choruses....it will enrich the rest of your day.
go on...
get outside and relish in the beauty of fall! God COULD have had the leaves turn black...like we would have known the difference. But he chose to make it a spectacular sight...just because He loves you and wanted to delight you heart.
Go ahead....be delighted.
and enjoy.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

a new day

Hey there. it seems like fall is about new beginnings. why is that? i guess 12-13 or more years of training us to see the new school year as a true beginning- leaving the actual calendar new year dragging behind for significance. haha sort of weird isn't it?
Fresh newness of life. I've been thinking about that as i watch my garden slide gradually toward its demise for the season. How can we experience this freshness when all of creation is hightailing it toward the season of resting we call winter? Is God at work doing something new even as things appear to deteriorate? Of course. It is the way of regeneration to require rest. As the plants drop their leaves and shed their branches, we see the lack of beauty but fail to always see that the preparation for next year's blossoms has begun. The roots are storing up strength for next year- preparing to burst out of the ground afresh to delight us and all of creation. Without this preparation, nothing would happen in spring.
How does that apply to my finding freshness and newness of life now? Recognizing that winter allows us time and the darkness to read, whereas in summer we are gardening and watering and enjoying the lushness of creation. In winter, we can spend time with friends, playing games, sitting and chatting by the fire, or seeing a movie together. People become more central to our leisure- not just creation. I think that gives us a nice balance to appreciate. So before you groan at the falling leaves - go collect a few to display them. Reflect on the rest God gives to the created world- to regroup, to store away energy for the growing months.
How is God at work in your life now? What might he be preparing you for in the months ahead?
Our eternally creative God wastes nothing. While some things don't seem productive or useful to us, they are made useful because of His unique spin on things.
So embrace this winter. See what new things God brings along to delight your heart.
be watching!