i read a devotion yesterday by Andy Stanley - he's a pastor and international speaker- and he wrote about worry. Part of me groaned inside when i read the title. Why do i always feel harrassed about a subject that seems to come so naturally to me!!??
But as usual, Andy put things in a very clear perspective by quoting Matthew 6:24 "who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?". That's really the bottom line, isn't it? What kinds of things do we most wish for at the end of our lives? that we'd had a better car? (rarely) That we'd had a better relationship with our parents/children and the like. (perhaps) But i think most of us are struck by how rapidly life has gone by! That seems universal whether we are 20 or 99 when we leave the earth. So Jesus really zeroed in on our most valued item - TIME- when he asked if EVEN THAT could be improved through worry. A biblical version of "don't sweat the small stuff!" is how i read it!
So what am i wasting so much time doing every day?
What motivates this internal churning to figure things out and find the answers? Something does not make sense here: i mean if i believe (and i heartily mean IF right now) that God has created all the majesty and enormous beauty of the universe, do i actually think he will forget about me?
Or am i just really lousy at trusting him? Is it because he is invisible? Is it because he doesn't answer all my questions the way i want them answered?
Bottom line: what is the worst that could happen if i stopped worrying for 24 hours? I wouldn't stop caring about people - but i would ACT in response to my concern for them instead of stewing about things = so i'd pray, make a casserole, call and ask them how they're doing. DO SOMETHING and then leave the rest of it in God's hands.
But that seems riskier than just passive worry. i can worry from the comfort of my couch...Yet, worry seems to erode my trust in God.
"tension for change"...a friend of mine used to refer to this phrase when talking about change. How much or rather how badly do i want/need things to change? Do i have an ulcer that is demanding my attention? Do i lay awake at night unable to sleep because i'm on "worry patrol"?? Am i growing increasingly crabby with my family and friends because of this?
Sounds like all the motivation I need!!
But i find that my own weakness gets in the way of any lasting change.
And so i call out to God- "please change me Father. Help my unbelief. Open my eyes so i can see and understand that you are faithful. You are honest about your promises to take care of me. I choose to believe you are who the Bible says you are. Help me to trust you more today than i did yesterday. Be glorified in my life today, please."
So because He feeds the birds, clothes the lilies, and keeps the sun, moon and stars in his created order and orchestrates all of life, i can trust him with at least one of my worries today.
Who knows? i might discover a peace which passes all understanding.
Now that would be wonderful.
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