It is a balancing act this walk with the Lord. First we struggle to grasp our sin. Then once we get a good look (and recoil in horror), we try to believe we are loved truly and completely. So the balance tips back and forth. It is hard for us, in a culture that punishes honesty to accept these seemingly opposing truths. This is my attempt to voice this challenging balancing act and our LORD's very tender mercy and love.
"In prisoner's rags (and duly deserved sentence)
i am lead out, in my chains, to the outer yard.
There you are....nail scars, thorn scars
and you are smiling at me.
i look down.
i feel unsettled by Your visit and am conspicuously
aware of my rags, my guilt and my chains.
but You do not seem to notice.
You reach out Your hand and tip up my chin;
my eyes remain lowered.
You say my name and
the iceberg in my heart begins to melt.
My name! (not a number!)
i then see who You are -
The One sent to bear my beatings,
to live out my sentence and to redeem me.
and in that moment,
i am free!
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