Friday, June 25, 2010


Just got back from six wonderful days with our grown daughter in Ontario. I have to confess that i went with energetic notions of being wonderwoman to help her. Only to find that she has managed quite nicely on her own. Awesome! but also humbling. But isn't independence what we hope for? yeah..sort of...til it happens. Then we realize that our 'helping' portion of parenting only goes so far. (i know this sounds like awesome news to you parents with younger kids...) But somehow when it happens, you are taken aback. Instead you find something richer, new, more wonderful than you could have hoped for.
who knew?!! Just when one door closes, another opens. Oh, it's not easy to stop trying to 'fix' things - i blew it a few times - just ask Kaitlyn!! I did things i should have left to her....i moved things that weren't mine to touch. Yet, somehow in my eagerness to 'help', i mindlessly crossed the line.
So i am learning. slowly. very slowly, in fact.
i mess up more than i succeed. Then again, we are both learning. And with each child of mine, i will learn new things. I will learn to respect that they are under 'construction' in God's hands....kind of like their mother is!!
and it is very is as it should be..
Philippians 1:6 - "being confident of this, that he who begana good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
That verse spoke to my heart when we sent Kaitlyn off to university about 5 years ago now. That from the start, God had undertaken to look after her development- using us for a season - would continue to refine her, polish her and change her until Christ's return. It gave me such peace!! we were simply handing her back to Him who let us dabble at being parents to begin with!!
HE would finish.
He would fix.
He would make sure it was done properly.
What a relief!
Oh we all do our best, but there are days we'd like to find some cosmic "undo" button for, aren't there? Days we cringe at our actions, words,etc. Knowing we have caused hurt, have done wrong and have generally blown it. But He takes all of that and turns it to rights by His grace and mercy.
Now if that isn't good to know, then i don't know what is!!
Ask him for wisdom as you parent- no matter how old your 'kids' are. Ask him to show you how to be a parent that loves Him first and foremost..."and all these things shall be added to you"
be at peace, my friend.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Defending Christianity - or not....

Psalm 2

1 "Why do the nations conspire
and the peoples plot in vain?

2 The kings of the earth take their stand
and the rulers gather together
against the LORD
and against his Anointed One.

3 "Let us break their chains," they say,
"and throw off their fetters."

4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them."

When i first read this, i was surprised. So often i hear people getting all 'lathered up' about "Defending Christianity!" and letting comments by nation leaders, government officials, the U.N., etc. make them feel as though Christianity has been compromised in some fashion. Did you read God's reaction to all this 'blustering' in verse 4.
Laughter. Scoffing. in verse 5 he goes to to 'let them know' HE and HE alone sets up rulers, and kings - not anyone else.
So we can rest easy that God's kingdom never was and never will be a political type of kingdom that has to shove it's way around to stay on top. God laughs at anything like that. HE IS .....and always will be. No one has any claim on him nor nudges him from his absolute supremacy in the universe. Comforting isn't it?
He is here to seek and save the lost. His Beloved. His children who have wandered far from him. Nothing else.
Yes, we need to pray for those misguided leaders - certainly! They are very dear to our Papa's heart! But fear them? naw...
May our God fill your heart with absolute confidence in His sovereign rule and his impeccable sense of timing in history.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What? Me take a break? are you kidding?

I know i am as much to blame as anyone for the hectic lifestyle i've chosen- whether by being oblivious or just fearing too much quiet, but i read something recently that really rocked me.
I was reading "Christ plays in 10,000 places" by Eugene Peterson (and i thought I was busy!:P) About midway through the book, i read a section on taking a Sabbath. Ok, so i like the idea of taking a break, resting up so i can work better thereafter, but who has the time?
that's when he hit me between the eyes....
Eugene was talking about how even God took a Sabbath during his big creation week. And how God is always working, even now, in creation - oh maybe balancing stars, keeping the sun in the right spot and far deeper things, i'm sure. But perhaps our ceasing work for a day each week (no it doesn't matter which day) we respect that God runs the world and not I. I entrust my life and work and loved ones to his keeping while i keep his planned rhythm for my life. A day to step back from my busyness and appreciate his larger-scaled work in the universe. Get perspective again - yeah my role is smaller but it is a piece of his greater work- not something with no value. But as i thought about it, i realized it takes the pressure of MY having to keep things balanced. Of course, Eugene said it better, so i'll let him say it here:
"Sabbath is a deliberate act of interference, an interruption of our work each week, a decree of no-work so tha we are able to notice, to attend, to listen and to assimilate this comprehensive and majestic work of God, to orient our work in the work of God."
Oh, it isn't easy. I tried taking a Sabbath yesterday and had to stop myself several times when something "important that couldn't wait" came up. But the longer i hung in there, the more i noticed myself relaxing and enjoying the freedom. "Not today!" i said aloud more than a few times.
I'm not sure what your experience of Sabbath is like. When i think of it in reverse, i have to laugh. "I resist taking a break though my Boss insists that i do because I prefer to work 7 days a week."
I wonder how my stress level will change during this trial period? Will i crave vacations and escapes less intensely? Will i be able to keep perspective better during extra stressful times?
As for me....i'm taking the day off. My Boss is kinder to me than i am to myself. Maybe it's time to fix that.