I've been reflecting - moment by moment- lately on how little worry does to help me. With the start of school last month and all the programs, classes and things we are all involved in - worry comes along like an unwelcomed houseguest and settles between my ears. And the funny thing is that the more i attempt to chase it out, the more deeply rooted it becomes. It ends up getting my attention, one way or the other! ack!
And i read how God calls me to trust him. To live lightly - to carry His yoke- which is easy and his burden, which is light.
How do i make such a mess of things by complicating what is inherently simple???
The world is run by God- ok, yeah, i can grasp that...
I do nothing to earn the sunshine, rain, oxygen or love i receive so freely. check.
If God feeds the little, cute, witless birds, then certainly he will feed me too. got it.
but what happens? Do i forget that he is always watching with a tender loving gaze?
Do i think that if i meddle in things first that it will turn out better?
why am i so funny about all this?
Hence, my new tatto - Trust~ Receive~ Adore on my right forearm. A visible reminder that i bring nothing to this relationship with God. I am asked to trust him completely.
Receive- what good thing do i have that i 'earned'? Love? Air? hope? no, not really anything. I just sit at the Lord's feet and receive it all. wow.
Adore - now here is something i CAN do...be in awe of my Father who provides, forgives, loves and never tires of any of it!!!
Sure, life can be very messy. After all, we live in a broken world - things are not as they 'should be'. We sense that in our very marrow...and one day it will be that way.
"All will be well and all manner of things will be well." (some famous guy said that---good stuff!)
and so it will be.
And for now.. ......we trust him.
and amen.
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