Monday, August 29, 2011


I found this quote recently and its been haunting me every since:
"A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world; everyone you meet is your mirror." Ken Keyes 1921-1990
Now i recognize this quote is not applicable to torturous regimes or abusive situations, but is simply meant to tell us that our perspective on life is greatly affected by our general worldview. If i awaken with a scowl each morning, preparing for combat by rehearsing my defensive mindset, i can expect to meet the very conflict i anticipate.
Conversely, if i awaken with a grateful heart - appreciative of small kindnesses, i find many of them to enjoy throughout the day.
Same situation but a vastly different attitude.
And which of us would not prefer to be remembered as someone who was pleasant, if not upbeat, to be around? Most of us believe we are basically likeable people, right? We believe that we have something to offer mankind- whether a particular talent, or ability we've honed into usefulness. But sometimes things don't turn out as we'd like. Bosses are difficult. Good health does not last as long as we'd hoped it would.
what then?
"We are not to act oblivious about or live in denial of life's challenges, but we are to counterbalance them with long looks at God's accomplishments." (CS Lewis)
So we find again, that perspective trumps circumstances. Show me a person like Corrie ten Boom who would find ways to show care to fellow prisoners even as she suffered the whole time. She took a terrible situation and found a way to splash GOd's love into it! Our minds can never be imprisoned. Any imprisoning we experience is from our own inner poverty of spirit.
So when i wake up each morning, i weigh the options; do i pre-poison a day which has barely begun with a negative attitude based in fear or discontentment? Or do i give that day back to its Maker and entrust myself - body, mind and spirit - to our Father's keeping and into His service for that day. I don't know what will happen during this day- we never do. We only know what we plan for it, not what will actually happen. But with a full heart, and aware of GOd's unconditional love for me, i can stand firm and choose joy - against all odds.
So what will you see in others tomorrow? The image of God? An intricately designed person whom He loves most dearly, and one deserving of your time and care? Try it.
WHo knows? It might be one remarkable adventure!

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